Saturday, February 10, 2007

Jim Gray, President advisor killed !

Two weeks after Jim Gray, USA President technology advisor in 2000 (one of 25 at that time) was seen alive last time, we have to admit:
He is killed.

One month ago we had a talk on some technology questions. He seemed as always, kind and polite. No any sign of emotional or some kind of mental disturbance. On the contrary, he was very satisfied with his life and job. Thus, no any suicide motive.
Yes he was single sailor, but very experienced one.
So what? Well, though never spoken, it was the only other REAL cause of his mysterious disapperance without any trace or message. Except being killed.

But, how we could exclude any kind of maritime accident?
His 40 foot Tenacious could sink of course, but she was equipped with satellite emergency system.If Tenacious sank, that system would automatically send her location in emergency call.
However, that call never appear registered. Or it has been sent, but someone make it disappear.
That wouldn't happen in the case of an accident.

The next posibillity is that Jim fell into the sea without emergency belt. But, Tenacious would float further and should be find on satellite photos , when last week 12 000 voluntiers started the biggest online search ever made. However, nothing has been found, even in the slightest traces.

The last possibility is that he fell in his boat, after say heart attack. But, that case is reduced to previous one, already rejected.

Now remains only explanation type of San Francisko triange, where people natuarally disappears without any traces. Like it was in the same area 5 years ago, when one couple
disappeared without any trace in the same Farallon island area. Police explanation was that one ofe them killed another and made suicide. Nice story. But, what about their 40 foot ship?. It disappeared too. Without any trace. Thus, let reject that kind of folies.

Until the contrary is proved, we might have here a murder case. But why?. Jim was the last man in this world who might have enemies. Especially deadly ones. Now, it remains only posibillity of his misery to be on wrong place in wrong time. Just like that mentioned couple perhaps.
But, what the hell wrong place?. Farallon Island is National wildlife Refugee. He saw a seagull, or what?
Well, less known fact is that Farallon area is a nuclear waste dump. And since 1990ies, that nuclear dump started to leak from their burrels.
Someone from Federal Government continued to dump and Jim unintentionally saw him, by his misfortune?. Strangely, Jim himself dumped something into the Farallon waters that ocassion too. It was reportedly his mather ash. Jim Gray, Turing Award winner, was computing hero of our time. Strangely even more, Greek mythology hero Jason's mother Tyro father was Poseidon, God of the sea. Return to Father, in the end?
Indicatively, modern Jason was almost equally powerful like ancient god Poseidon.

Jim's PDA tried unsuccesfully to synchronize with host two weaks ago by night, from uknown location. And that is the last fact we have heard about Jim. That was alas, probably the last night of his life.

Now, guesses remain. Who did? I hope this will help a bit. But this report will confirm Pacific coast deadly reputation.

So.. I thoroughly enjoyed this blog. I actually had a good chuckle.. it's sad that the guy is still missing though.
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