Tuesday, May 16, 2006

AMD G,H cores

Today we got K8 F core. Next logical step is core G in 2007, see The Inq's picture left. But, only for 4 core Opterons, by the mid of 2007. Someones call it K8L. Shouldn't be better named K8G, hehe?

Core H? Isn't better call it K9, a new core? It shoud be equipped with SSE4 and a new design of 128bit floating point (for that very design The Inq journalist initially though as a K8L !). And finally, I think that K9 should be actually non crippled K8, as it was originally envisioned yet before 2002 !. Thus through many delays and evolution AMD lost the whole one core number. What we actually have now below the K8 trade mark, is only improved K7. I hope this will relief confusion with AMD core names. Or it will make it even worse. :) Anyway L3 is only in 2H 2008, due to this table left, just in time for new core.

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