Monday, July 02, 2007
Intel's Core Duo processors are buggy as hell !
Date: Wed, 27 Jun 2007 11:08:16 -0600
Various developers are busy implementing workarounds for serious bugs
in Intel's Core 2 cpu.
These processors are buggy as hell,
and some of these bugs don't just
cause development/debugging problems, but will *ASSUREDLY* be
exploitable from userland code.
The most interesting quote (after the latest Microsoft QUIET patch) is this:
Open Source operating systems are
largely left in the cold.
Full (current) errata from Intel: here.
In a statement from Intel Global Communications, Nick Knuppfer writes:
“Months ago, we addressed a processor issue by providing a BIOS update
for our customers that in no way affects system performance. We
publicly documented this as an erratum in April. All processors from
all companies have errata, and Intel has a well-known errata
communication process to inform our customers and the public. Keep in
mind the probability of encountering this issue is extremely low."
OMG, I wondered why Intel's X86-64 (contrary to AMD's) has extremely low
support to RAS (reliability, .. servicebility)
Now, I know why. And why AMD was late, contrary to Intel.
AMD simply has lower bug threshold, compared to buggy Intel.
Ie. Intel should have at least some 134 bugs NOW and AMD perhaps comparable
number in the first incarnation of Barcelona. However, AMD will make
things better in Q4/07 or 1Q08 with new K10h revision.
But, Intel will make response 45nm PERFORMANCE based response by then, that would
rise their bug menagerie number to respectable 200+ uniqe, exotic bugs.
And all of it you will have INSIDE your new INTEL beast processor.
Enjoy, but without me.
Scientists find drug to banish bad memories
EDIT: However, those drug helpless, and those who would like to sue after SCANDAL being
confirmed by this Intel's official claim, please let comment this article.
Millions of people gives at court neccessary, hmm WEIGHT to their arguments.