Friday, September 19, 2008

Wall Street c(r)a$h: China takes 49% of Stanley Morgan?

Hundreds of small American banks will also go under or be taken over due to bad mortgages and collapsed real estate prices in a handful of states.
What will survive is the Canadian Model: A few gigantic banking and insurance conglomerates which are heavily regulated by government.

China Gov. May Buy Out 49% of Morgan Stanley in US Collapse

Cheers for collapsed Bush and capitalism based on private initiative.
Is this the Hell new World order, so much has been promising some time ago.
Where, there is no private freedom of talk, like in China for long time.
Or currently in the USA. Nice democracy.

The inflated value of all assets will be lowered, causing more failures, more job losses, stock and real estate declines and higher borrowing costs for everyone. The party ended in August 2007 and the hang-over will probably last for a decade.

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