Thursday, March 18, 2010

Something undoubtably man made is finally found on Moon !. No, it is not Apollo lander and it is not a game

Lunokhod 2 rover is found.
The 37-year-old space mystery solved. However, in a strange twist of fate, the rover is actually owned by a British-born gaming entrepreneur.
The astronaut told Wired that there are bonus prizes for teams that can bring images back of any historical site on the moon, and perhaps this could now include images of the Lunokhod 2.

BAD HARDWARE:  Lunokhod 2? What about 6 of the Apollo landing sites? Hard to find them though much bigger and their location has been so well known? This pic below has pretty low resolution (4x enlargement), even lower than Lunokhod. Strange. No Lunar rover visible, though the US flag is !? The astronauts took a ran from it to a Lunar ascending stage?

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