Monday, March 07, 2011
Lava tubes on Moon !
Using various techniques (explained in the paper) they find that the rough cylindrical tube which comprises the lava tube is 120 meters in diameter and 1.72 km in length. The thickness of the roof is 170 meters, hence safe from various considerations discussed above (radiation, cosmic rays etc.).
BAD HARDWARE: LEt me note that 70m of Moon soil is pretty good thermal isolation too. And some 360m or so long. On the other side, how to get in and out?Inflatable hotels would be great insulators for additional contstant habitat temperature raising, above the zero C ! What about use of SPace STation, after decommissioning? SOme of its parts. They are already above the Earth ! Think about large solar concentrators on roof ! For light and warming during the direct Sun expose.
Could it be done in 20-30 years? Yes !
BAD HARDWARE: LEt me note that 70m of Moon soil is pretty good thermal isolation too. And some 360m or so long. On the other side, how to get in and out?Inflatable hotels would be great insulators for additional contstant habitat temperature raising, above the zero C ! What about use of SPace STation, after decommissioning? SOme of its parts. They are already above the Earth ! Think about large solar concentrators on roof ! For light and warming during the direct Sun expose.
Could it be done in 20-30 years? Yes !