Monday, September 26, 2011
Leopold Kohr warned 50 years ago on The Breakdown of Nations
This economic collapse is a 'crisis of bigness'
Kohr's claim was that society's problems were not caused by particular forms of social or economic organisation, but by their size.
BAD HARDWARE WEEK: Instead, his downbeat but refreshingly honest conclusion was that, like a dying star, the gigantist global system would in the end fall in on itself, and the whole cycle of growth would begin all over again.
Kohr's claim was that society's problems were not caused by particular forms of social or economic organisation, but by their size.
BAD HARDWARE WEEK: Instead, his downbeat but refreshingly honest conclusion was that, like a dying star, the gigantist global system would in the end fall in on itself, and the whole cycle of growth would begin all over again.