Friday, January 27, 2012

Thomas Edison greatest inventor ever, Steven Jobs second ?

Possible marketing gurus. Greatest inventor is however Nikola Tesla.  How do I know? Switch off your bulb light or Ipad, and try to survive without them. You will not die for sure, and if afraid of darkness, you can still switch on your LCD TV or computer monitor. Then, pull out  Tesla's AC power plug everywhere, and think again. Who is really the greatest. Yeah, you can switch on Ipad and tweet the problem but no working cell towers.Your water pipes will dry out soon.  No more showering if no waterfall close. Fridge will melt. Your fresh food will be rotten. Micro oven will be dead. Metro is stopped, however your DC current car is still working, provided world is not without oil for a  long time. In south, your house is pretty hot. No more clean dresses. Dust and bad smells everywhere, no ventilation.  Elevators stuck. Banks are closed. However, there is a benefit: No nuke power plant because you can't deliver the power. Is that the end of civilization we know? Well, the end of big cities definitely yes.

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