Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Something was wrong at 157-nanometer lithography.

 Something was wrong at 157-nanometer.
Light at 193 nm has a resolution limit on the order of 65 nm, but immersion lithography uses the same light source and yet realizes a semiconductor process at precisions as high as 40-45nm.
EUV is still being developed, and many semiconductor houses have expressed a willingness to move to EUV when it becomes available, but others are now predicting that immersion lithography, multi-patterning and high-index fluids, will allow semiconductors to make it all the way to the end of the International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors at eight-nanometer using 193-nanometer lithography. 
99% BAD HARDWARE WEEK: Using unlikely 157nm light source immersion creates even 5nm features !

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