Thursday, April 30, 2009
Apple is hiring chip designers
Web brief in a picture
1 Trillion tons CO2 exhaust: Only 30 years left to irreversible climate change

Where Allen’s team found that adding 480 billion tons of carbon from here on out would push the risk of 2 degrees of warming to over 50 percent, Meinshausen’s team found even more alarming results. The German team estimates that 310 billion tons is all that would be needed. Without policy changes, that means humans would hit dangerous warming levels in 20 years (Meinshausen) to 40 years (Allen) .
Obviously, we did it, but we will not be hit. !
What more, the fact that 48% of Americans trust their religious leaders to provide reliable global warming information !
God forgive them, they simply don't know.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Green AMD produces more energy than it consumes ?
Advanced Micro Devices / Austin, TX Facilities | |
Location | Austin, TX |
Organization Type | Information Technology |
Percentage Green Power | 102% |
Organization-wide Purchase | No |
Awards/Recognition | Green Power Leadership Award 2002 |
Public vulgarities banned, switch to blog
Intel makes its top ten technology predictions for next decade
- New classes of portable devices with ten times more battery life
- Low-cost silicon photonics for faster, more reliable data transmission
- New heights of realism in visual computing
- Realistic computer generated images
- Malware will become a thing of the past
- Personal internet devices will be truly personal
- Interactive computing devices make 'composable computing' a reality
- Next-generation TV will not be about pixels
- Seamlessly connected 3-D worlds
- A spectrum revolution is looming
Obama: I am Idiot No. 1 !

The aircraft rattled windows in New York’s financial district and prompted some office workers to flee buildings in fear it was a repeat of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.
Paul Browne, deputy New York City police commissioner, said April 27 that the department was told by the FAA not to inform the public about what it thought would be a higher flyover by the aircraft. Air Force officials began to provide basic information Tuesday about the cost of the flights, but did not disclose how long the public has paid for similar photo op flights.
How much this idiotic pleasure costed tax payers this time?
The estimated cost for all three aircraft was $328,835, Air Force spokeswoman Vicki Stein said in an e-mailed response to inquiries. The political cost to the Obama White House will be harder to calculate.
Dumb and Dumber?
Monday, April 27, 2009
Raising Bill Gates
The future software mogul was a headstrong 12-year-old and was having a particularly nasty argument with his mother at the dinner table. Fed up, his father threw a glass of cold water in the boy's face.
"Thanks for the shower," the young Mr. Gates snapped. (Bill Gates tried about that time to play the trombone with little success.)
BAD HARDWARE : Using later that juvenile character advantage Sir Bill took over the software market.
Obama passing new law to allow searching of PC's, Laptops, and media devices
MOre details are here.
In addition, online advertising services like NebuAd are paying ISPs to let it eavesdrop on web users via DPI - Deep Packet Inspection.
NSA Director Lt. Gen. Keith Alexander, speaking at the RSA Security Conference in San Francisco, told the audience of security professionals on Tuesday that the NSA does "not want to run cyber security for the United States government."
Alexander said the NSA does not want to take over DHS’s role.
Hello Big Brother.
Computer fights in human TV show
Japan economy pulls up !
Seems that the production is the key of recovery. US production was off shored during the Bush regime. Right? His explanation?
"That is economy people".
Bad Hardware verdict: That was an idiot, people.
Friday, April 24, 2009
How to take control of Win 7
Phenomenal: AMD overclocks Phenom II X4 to 7 GHz !
Microsoft Sales Fall For The First Time In 23 Years !
Is Moore alive: Opteron core performance improved 3 times in 8 years

Multi cores should do the rest. But,could they show that in practice? AMD has also announced that it will in 2011 roll out its 32 nm Bulldozer core, which will feature up to 16 cores, running on the new Sandtiger architecture. In short -- AMD plans to beat Intel in the core race.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
In just six years, it’s expected that 15 Billion intelligent devices will be connected to the internet
Acrobat Reader became hacker heaven instead of God err Microsoft Word
With all the Internet attacks that exploit Adobe Acrobat Reader people should switch to using an alternative PDF reader, a security expert said at the RSA security conference on Tuesday.
Of the targeted attacks so far this year, more than 47 percent of them exploit holes in Acrobat Reader while six vulnerabilities have been discovered that target the program, Mikko Hypponen, chief research officer of security firm F-Secure, said in a briefing with journalists.
Just last month, Adobe issued a fix for an Acrobat Reader hole that attackers had been exploiting for months, after issuing a patch for a critical vulnerability in Flash player the month before.
In 2008, the favored targeted attack vector was Microsoft Word, which had 15 known vulnerabilities (compared to Acrobat Reader's 19) and which represented 34.5 percent of the attacks (compared to 28.6 percent for Acrobat Reader), he said.
More than 70 US government-owned domains hit

Researchers have discovered a major botnet operating out of the Ukraine that has infected 1.9 million machines, including large corporate and government PCs mainly in the U.S.
Nearly 80 percent run Internet Explorer; 15 percent, Firefox; 3 percent, Opera; and 1 percent Safari. Finjan says the bots were found in banks and large corporations, as well as consumer machines.
Add some classic Government wiretapping for Israel.
The very powerful Israeli lobby group - AIPAC - is involved here
Jane Harman trading political favors with a suspected Israeli agent.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
1 Tbps ethernet in 2015?

D'Ambrosia says even though 40/100G Ethernet products haven't arrived yet, he's already thinking ahead to Terabit Ethernet standards and products by 2015.
Google image similarities
Computer Spies Breach Fighter-Jet Project

In addition, while the spies were able to download sizable amounts of data related to the jet-fighter, they weren't able to access the most sensitive material, which is stored on computers not connected to the Internet. The plane, led by Lockheed Martin Corp., relies on 7.5 million lines of computer code, which the Government Accountability Office said is more than triple the amount used in the current top Air Force fighter.
The danger is that intruders might find weaknesses that could be exploited to confuse or damage U.S. military craft.
Jesus: Does my bride celebrate Sun more than me?
Singing villagers: Susan Boyle recommends Nehalem

So you can sing too after its purchase.
However, seems that original AMD tunes sounds better and cheaper to mee.
Friday, April 17, 2009
The copper China

A 'Copper Standard' for the world's currency system?
China's State Reserves Bureau (SRB) has instead been buying copper and other industrial metals over recent months on a scale that appears to go beyond the usual rebuilding of stocks for commercial reasons.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Obama is Big Brother !
No, it was not an April Fools joke.
The President:
2) may declare a cybersecurity emergency and order the limitation or shutdown of Internet traffic to and from any compromised Federal Government or United States critical infrastructure information system or network.
BAD HARDWARE comment: Guys, do you know where the root zone of the DNS is located, and under whose fingers is now on?
Officials Say U.S. Wiretaps Exceeded Law
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Big Brother is a Mexican ?

If Mexicans don't send in their number and CURP via SMS before April 10, 2010, their cellphone number will be blocked. The new law was published back in February and is going into effect now."
BAD HARDWARE: Alas, Big Brother owns multiple citizenships, not only the Mexican.
Better than expected: Intel's revenue down 27%, profits DOWN 57%

Intel has published his results for the first quarter of 2009. At this period Intel generated 7.1 billion revenue (-27%) and 0.6 billion profit (-57%). Compared to the quarter last year, the results are bad, but they are better than expected.
Why? Because Intel boss Otellini warned of first loss in 21 years
Thus: "I believe the worst is behind us".
Vista Post-SP2 Is the Safest happily running OS On the Planet

Vista today, post-Service Pack 2, which is now in the marketplace, is the safest, most reliable OS we've ever built
BAD SOFTWARE comment: How safe are the other Microsoft OSs, when Vista can be called safe?
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Larrabee is the largest chip ever

Up to 700 mm2 !
Probably in final 32nm implementation Larrabee would fit inside commercial upper size limit of 300-350 mm2.
Intel quietly flashes solid states drives

"This firmware update has several continuous improvement optimizations intended to provide the best possible user experience with the Intel SSD."
In translation from Intel's English that means Intel confirmed what BAD HARDWARE found:
poor performance due to fragmenting during the work. Intel of course immediately denied , but later quietly issued mentioned update.
Atom replacing Celeron
Monday, April 13, 2009
Harvard University Lost $11B !
Korean blogger jailed for 18 months predicting that.
Friday, April 10, 2009
This isn't change we can believe in. This is change for the worse.
The Silicon Valley hacked this morning !

This morning many people in Silicon Valley woke up without 911 service, Internet, cellular phones, and in some cases TV. Web sites were impacted and Internet traffic between a few major data centers stopped flowing.
What if the whole Internet one morning wake up without all these things?
Thursday, April 09, 2009
Apollo 17 breakthrough: At Moon photographed Sun directed shadows !!

Please click on to enlarge. Larger version is here. Notice the shadows directed towards the Sun on the right side !. Great work NASA with Apollo 17 !
Astronaut hold an instrument that throws the shadow on his legs that shows Sun simply must be on his right side, not on the left as we actually see. And as the rover shadows show. However, during the Cold War shadows inconsistencies seems were something scientifically tolerable. :)
Conficker worm gets Trojan flavor
The security vendor also noted a possible link to Waledac.A, another worm which allows remote communication and data stealing.
The notice me now rocket
I am the bug, find me in !
The hole in the PGP WHole Disk Encryption

Bad Hardware comment: Well, until the virus know for the hole in that product. Than you will have infected system and all your vital data encrypted by virus itself. Bingo :)
Protecting defense departments networks cost taxpayers more than $100 million over the past six months, U.S. Strategic Command officials said yesterday.
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
Cyberspies: Not all of our electricity power bases does belong to U.S.

Under the Bush administration, Congress approved $17 billion in secret funds to protect government networks, according to people familiar with the budget.
BAD HARDWARE verdict: Well, to me seems that alleged cyberspies were more likely installed during the long nights of lone personnel. Using company Internet for porn and some other goodies.
About $17B in secret funds, well seems tat they vaporized in unknown direction. What direction? Hmmm, if I would know than they wouldn't be called secret funds any more. Isn't it?
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
Breakthrough: Some of Intel's 5 stars processor are AMD copies
Taking down the whole Internet
Alan: That’s a great tip. One last question: in 1998, the members of L0pht testified in front of the US Congress that a committed team of hackers could take down the entire Internet in 30 minutes. Security has certainly improved and the Internet has certainly gotten bigger, but the attackers have gotten more sophisticated too. Do you think that statement still holds today?
Dino: Yes, and I probably shouldn’t say much more about it than that. Unfortunately, the Internet is more fragile than we would like to think and a lot of its core protocols require a redesign with security in mind.
The scientist who 7 days ahead predicted deadly earthquake that killed 150+ people officially announced imbecile

These imbeciles enjoy spreading false news.
Of course, people who said that and let 130 people die for nothing are not imbeciles.
BAD Hardware: All because the men was 7 day early. What use of his Earth shaking predictions if he was 7 days late?
Monday, April 06, 2009
New space race ?
Cache is girl's best friend

UK girls are three times more likely to hijack an account for cash than the boys.
Trend Micro research reveals.
Recession PC model euros 99 only is a big hit
"Due to the incredible success of the Abaco Primo we are now working to release this site in English as well: please come back in a few days."
BAD HARDWARE's digital divide comment: To be sold in a special shops for poor people ?
Friday, April 03, 2009
Google hardware design

Jai said in an interview that Google has been using the design since 2005 and now is in its sixth or seventh generation of design.
Google's designs supply only 12-volt power, with the necessary conversions taking place on the motherboard.
Google In Late Stage Talks To Acquire Twitter
It is Time To Start Thinking Of Twitter As A Search Engine?
The same Tweeter people sold Blogger to Google 5 years ago. The same one BAD HARDWARE
is using it now. Perhaps the future is in tweets, not in blogs. In that case Google purchase
is again a good move.
Thursday, April 02, 2009
Fedora development team hacked ?
That way, all Fedora Linuxes would have certified backdoor. :)
Firefox malware !
Google's Larry Page building eco-friendly compound
New FAT in sight ?
AMD's blog about possible Nehalem threats
Smiley: Instant attack through instant messaging
Yet another April Fool : Microsoft asks feds for a bailout
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
Not an April Fool for some Sun employees
What you can do for a better world?
Seems that the current economy crisis is not only current weakness, but a weak base pyramid crash. I mean, there is no more poor sources to further feed reach. I would like that I am wrong.
Intel is loosing desktop market fast
Fast remedy if Conficker worm strike is not just an April Fool joke
How do you know at all that you are infected with Conficker?
Here is the latest breaktrough.
However, in areas where non-licensed machines are in use the ratio of unpatched machines must significantly higher due to the difficulty of getting and installing patches and the fear of detection.
Mac users are in luck, since the worm is designed solely to exploit Microsoft software.
Not an April Fool: Troubled Microsoft software
Yet another April Fools: Warner Bros. acquires The Pirate Bay
Finally, a truth on torrents.
April Fool: Intel denies rumors on Nehalem as the significant global warming contributor
Thanks to Tomas.
Advanced Micro Devices on Tuesday said it would release "very low-power" Shanghai processors within three months, a move that could intensify its ongoing chip battle with rival Intel.
The new quad-core Opteron EE chips will deliver similar performance while drawing significantly less power than its predecessors, a company spokeswoman said. AMD's server processors draws a minimum of about 50 watts of power.
Silicon Valley murders
Silicon Valley was actually once considered as a place of prosperity. Right?