Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Berwick Witches ride again !

"November/December 1590 N. Berwick Witches taken, and confess In the moneths of November and December, manie witches were taikin: Richard Grahame, Johne Sibbet alias Cunninghame, Annie Sampsone, middewife, Jonet Duncan in Edinburgh, Ewfame Makcalzeane, daughter to umquhile Mr Thomas Makalzean, Barbara Naper, spous to Archibald Dowglas of Pergill, Jonet Drummond, a Hieland wife, Katherine Wallace. They conspired the ovethrow of the king and queen's fleete, at their returne out of Denmarke, by raising of stormes upon the seas. Sindrie of the witches confessed they had sindrie times companie with the devill at the kirk of Northberwick, where he appeared to them in the likeness of a man with a redde cappe, and a rumpe at his taill. [and] mad a harangue in maner of a sermoun to them; his text, "Manie goe to the mercat, but all buy not." He found fault with sindrie, that had not done their part in ill. These that had beene bussie in their craft, he said were his beloved, and promised they sould want nothing they needed. Playing to them upon a trumpe, he said , "Cummer, goe yee before; cummer goe ye!" and so they daunced. When they had done, he caused everie one, to the number of threescore, kisse his buttocks. Johne Gordoun, alias called Graymeale, stood behind the doore, to eschew, yitt it behoved him also to kisse at last. John Feane, schoolesmaister of Saltprestoun, confessed he was clerk to their assemblies; yitt at his executioun he confessed onlie he had abused the people that way, and had committed adulterie with two and thrittie weomen, but denied witchecraft. Of Richard Grahame, Ewfame Makcalzeane, and Barbara Naper, we will heare more heerafter. (Calderwood v.5 pp115-6)"

They conspired the ovethrow of the king and queen's fleete, at their return out of Denmarke, by raising of stormes upon the seas.
If terrorists find successors of Berwick Witches Sea disturbing technology, mighty US and UK Navy might be sunk!? Provided that Qeen's unmistakable secret services doesn'y make mistakes. But, was't recent WMD attack on Iraq just intelligence service mistake? Well, how Mr Blair could know? Well, now all will know sea disturbing technology:
15 January 1591 Deposition of Geillis Duncan confirmed that a letter was sent to Janet Fairlie at Leith, that a cat was baptised and thrown in the sea to raise a storm.
Please note similarities and exactness of old and the new UK official intelligence techniques.

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