Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Greatest modern minds: Newton, Tesla, Einstein

Newton, Tesla, Einstein. That is just the order of the greatest modern minds after Life Science online voting. All the other polls about the topic are very similar, with those three at the top, but in a different order.
My opinion? Newton lived 200 years earlier. Hard to compare. But, he was almost a student if we compare his knowledge with the knowledge of those two remaining. Thus, Einstein or Tesla? Lets scientist say theirs. Einstein won Nobel prize, Tesla didn't. Thus, Einstein? Well, wait a minute. Tesla won his unit od measure of magnetic flux (T). Einstein didn't, but he started his Special theory of Relativity thinking on magnetic flux!. Thus who is the first? I made a small research. On Einstein's Nobel prize. He got it in 1921, but not the money part of that award. Where gone the money? Money left to his wife Milena after their divorce agreement in 1919. Einstein gave money of his Nobel prize award to his former wife? Yes, he made that clausule in his divorce agreement. But, how he could know in advance? Einstein and Newton in addition were both some very influent persons, beside being a great scientist. Tesla was not. Perhaps that left him more time for pure science.

Lets back to Einstein's wife (Tesla never got married, just like Sir Newton). She was received at ETH Zurrich (where she met young Einstein) after Tesla recommandation (both were the Serbs). So what? Einstein got his Nobel prize for photoelectric effect explanation. So what again? His basic explanation was that photoelectric radiation was a consequence of beam of the light particles, contrary to then ruling aether based wave theory. Tesla even patented an apapratus based on that idea in 1901. So what? Few months later Einstein started his first employement at Switz federal patent office.
He must got to review and classify Tesla's patent on radiation. There is where he got his idea from. His wife must knew it. Beside, she was a Lenard's student who made experimental verification of photoelectric effect, so first hand experimental results are again from that link. I don't belive that Einstein sucked his theory from his finger.But, Tesla probably didn't know for Planck's discovery of quantum energy the same year. In 1901, Planck + Tesla - Aether = explanation of photoelectric effect. Add Lebedev's (great Russian scientist) experimental confirmation on Maxwell's idea on light radiation pressure in 1901, announced 1902 in Annalen Der Physik, (that was published about the same time as some Einstein's early works in the same journal). Thus, though didn't mention, Einstein had previously very solid experimental verifications about his theoretical topic. But, many years later, historians of Science found he was genius, as the only plausible explanation about the former. Now we know what kind of genius. Genius of the sources hyding. Probably he had a very strong reasons behind. Einstein mentioned Planck results in the year 1905 references (though didn't used his proof method), but not Tesla himself. However, had he mentioned Tesla as a reference, hardly he could ever get some Nobel prize.

Thus, should be honest that photoelectric effect explanation Nobel prize to be shared between Tesla and Einstein. However, that didn't happen. Just as in case when Markoni has stolen Nobel prize from Tesla on radio transmition. And again in 1915: There was a tragic mistake during the 1915 Nobel Prize involving Nikola Tesla and Edison. The report of the Nobel Prize in Physics for 1915, to be jointly shared by Edison and Tesla, was carried in the Literary Digest and The Electrical World of New York. On November 14, 1915 Reuter's dispatch from Stockholm reported that the Nobel Committee announced The Nobel Prize for Physics would not be given to Edison and Tesla.

Ridiculously, imagine your life without alternate (Tesla) currents? We would look like a cave men (below):

For H. erectus, it may have paid to be dense. According to one theory, males rammed each other with their thick skulls in order to win females. H. erectus is generally believed to be the direct ancestor of modern humans and also the first hominid to live in caves and tame fire.

Tesla and Edison literally have enlighted our caves.
Some say we would probably never got an atomic bomb without Einstein. But, honestly, do you feel a sorrow because of that?

And finally, in my opinion, who is the greatest modern mind , after the all above exposed? Nikola Tesla, then Einstein and Newton..

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