Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Would Jesus understand Jews when they say Hello! to him?

Stupid, idiotic question, Jesus was a Jew, thus any Jew has to understand Jews even when they use modern Hebrew. We all know that! . Well, we are all wrong this time. For the right answer we should know only something about language. Jesus has spoken ancient Arameic language.That language is still alive and some 400 000 people are still speaking it in a different dialects world wide. The following story is from 1986, the Chernobyl disaster year, curiously the same year when everyone expected to be the "end of the world" from all those time counting method for 6000 years from the genesis first day.

The lady was every afternoon sitting on the last row, at the very end of that jewish temple.
At that time she was in her fifties and nobody, among the those coming from time to time, knew her at all. Nobody, nor the rabbin himself.
Finally, three weeks after the first days she was saw the first time, the rabbin decided to approach her and very gentle he ask her:
- Good afternoon my lady, we have seen you for several days to come in the temple. Are you jew or interested about our belief? I can help you in some manner?
She was a little confused and a lot nervous, for this moment she expected and fear at once, and answered:
- No Sir, I am not, but I came here because I thought you can probably help me on a particular matter.
- What could be this? - answered the rabbin.
- I need to learn some arameic - answered her, not less confused than before.
The rabin was not nervous now, but a little bit confused due to the inexpected way the conversation turned to, and wanted to know some more details about:
- I beg your pardon mylady, but coul I know why are you interested in learning SOME arameic? - the arameic is a very ancient language, probably not spoken anymore today or in some very reduced areas.
She felt at her utmost shyness at this moment, but she replicated:
- To say Jesus "Hello" in his language when I'll be there.

Thus , if she was sure that Hebrew is more understendable to Jesus, she wouldn't bother to learn much harder available Arameic.

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