Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Did you know 2?

I didn't. But I know now, after Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11 movie.
There is only single one son in Iraq, from all of the 535 US Congressmen, that actually represent traditional American values . Perhaps he breaks the Law, must be some Law that forbids sons of those who launched unjustified aggression to Iraq to go there. So no more of them there. On the contrary, worried Congressmen couldn't concentrate on the next war prepares. Say against Iran, this time. Or perhaps, the sons are just like the fathers. Unable to live normally even in peace.

By the way, is that one, the only right Congressmen son, pictured left perhaps?. I am sure that few hundreds other sons couldn't be pictured in Iraq, from the simple reason not being there. And the other soldiers have no motives to support Bush, who escaped Vietnam war, you guess, as a son of Congressman.
Or motif to protect their country, being no any WMD have been found there, ever. Nor previously any Iraq terrorism link, due to Fahrenheit 9/11.

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yeah go bush. Huge deficit, high gas prices, another Vietnam..... oh I can't wait for what's next.

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