Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Google dumps news sites that criticize radical Islam

Google indirectly supports terrorism! Because, Google dumps news sites that criticize radical Islam as a "hate speech". Search engine giant Google has cut off its news relationship with a number of online news publications that include frank discussions of radical Islam – the New Media Journal becoming the latest termination, as its owner just discovered.

Nasty Google bans frank discussions as "hate speach" that should justify killing of civilians abroad, because some countries (not the UN assembly) gave US licence do do it freely.
Israel has too right to kill and torture civilians without criminal charges, so any ban in support of it is support for terrorism. Thus, Google is too the antisemite !

What, without existing court for those criminal charges, those people have right of their own to defend themself? But, Israel in Palestine and US in Iraq are freedom champions in a holy war.
What ,we don't live in the middle age?! So excessive grants might be abused. That is pure support for terrorism. Historically, do you know for terrorism in the Inquisition age?. No, of course not. What again? There were no human rights then?
You can see American people enjoy freely at Guantanamo on the picture left, after hard everyday Inquisition? work.. Why after some investigation work on 1 Billion Muslim people, the whole World shouldn't enjoy? Only is needed to previously support frank Zionistic news at Google.Are human rights more important than the fight against terrorism? Hmm, I thought economy questions were the main reason why people vote at the elections. Right, so Big Brother gives you a chance to forget it, and concentrate solely on anti terrorism fight, as your only life interest.
Thus, when it will stop finally?

Enough with these idiotic questions. Enough. In the name of democracy: SHUT UP !!

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