Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Muslims offended by 5th Avenue Apple store

Oh that nasty, Intel -Jewish only Apple. !

Ka'ba, the holy of the holiest Islamic places in Arabic means cube. It is the first place where Allah was worshiped. From the outside it does not look very exciting, due to Islamic ban on pictorial embellishment. It is made of stone blocks. Inside, it is decorated with texts from the holy Qu'ran.

And not with an rotten Apple INSIDE (Intel's TM)

Should Apple lose some 1B of possible customers?
Very likely,
after this blatant insult to the whole Islam.

Anyway, Apple is already illuminated enough in the stock options scandal.

The software vendor is one of many high-tech companies having to grapple with the stock options issue. Others include Apple Computer Inc., Broadcom Corp., Sycamore Networks Inc. and Rambus Inc.

Yep really, there is something rotten INSIDE the Apple.

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