Thursday, May 31, 2007

11 years later : zero advance in productivity

Finally, a truth on current bad hardware.
But, much more impressive comparision would be on future bad hardware Intel's 8 cores Apple. However, without appropriate windows support, this is certainly the next winner in BAD HARDWARE category. But, proof "uber alles" on bad hardware unstoppable rise is the RESSURECTION OF PENTIUM FROM ITS GRAVE IN HOT HELL. That's all folks. The comment isn't needed.
Picture alone of the Intel's Pentium 666 - Double Crossed Hot Edition TM given below, is worth more than 1K words:

Briefly, from 1986 -2016, overall user productivity rise is supposed almost zero.
Nice hint that we actually still don't live in information society.
Because the next society organisation always inevitably requires higher productivity,
or there is no need for any change at all. No benefits, isn't it?

Hey... why'd you stop updating your blog right around the same time as the Phenom release? LOL

Damn it's hilarious how basically every performance prediction you made about Barcelona turned out to be false. EPIC AMD Fanboy FTW!!!
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