Tuesday, October 16, 2007

On Intel's double (crossing) clock lies

Low-Voltage Swing circuit technology utilizes custom tools and methodologies to implement random small signal logic at an unprecedented scale. Our 2x frequency integer core implementation on Intel's 90nm process meets the present PentiumĀ® 4 processor product demands. With process and post silicon optimizations the design will support increasingly higher frequency processors.
From Intel's technology journal volume 8, February 2004.

Next year Intel abandoned 3,8 Ghz Prescott. Its double clocked integer core should internally hit 7,6Ghz.
By the end of 2007, Intel top processor is still unable to hit 7,6 Ghz, even being cooled down do -123C degrees, as todays report finds. Double core, proved to be much better price/ preformance solution.

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