Monday, December 15, 2008

The best PC game scenario ever: Bush being almost hit by Iraqi shoes

An Iraqi man at Maliki's palace threw his shoes at Bush during the appearance.The shoes sailed right past the president's head. Displaying the soles of one's shoes is considered a deep insult in much of the Arab world. Bush joked about it, saying, "That was a size 10 shoe he threw at me." Well kicking video "We are finally safe and saved" is given here. Isn't that a reason why Bush's current approval rate in the USA is only 7%, the lowest imaginable ever, even among the dictators?

BAD SHOE HARDWARE VERDICT: I like Bush hiding style (mark 10 for speed and special collision avoiding effects), though his humor is desperately bad, as always has been. Anyway, future politicians should be aware of flying shoes danger, or on the contrary, we will see all the future journalists barefooted. This must be real, because it is on TV, isn't it, do you remember that movie motto about the search for soldier Shoemaker in Iraq , with Dustin Hoffman and Robert De Niro?

Anyway, we finally got the evidence.
Thus, we are eagerly interested in where the hell shoes are made? If they are made in Iran, we may got the final proof for you know what kind of link. Generally, beside some initial military successes in Iraq, seems that blitz robotic war fares are yet far distant future.

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