Monday, March 09, 2009

Republicans now realize importance of the digital age technologies

In the Republican Party's ongoing struggle to build an online political machine to rival the formidable new media operation fielded by Barack Obama in 2008, many conservatives pinned their hopes on Cyrus Krohn, the 38-year-old alumnus of Microsoft and Yahoo who was heading up the Republican National Committee's e-campaign efforts.

Born in 1854 in Ripon, Wisconsin, the GOP stood in opposition to the Democrat Party which encouraged the expansion of slavery.
In only six short years, this upstart party captured the White House with the election of Abraham Lincoln.

By the way, Mr. Obama first black President, swore on Lincoln's Bible. !

Bad Hardware moral is: It is not important what party you use for your political goals, but what Bible you swear on about it. Seems that its older tween Democrat party after the 1865 always jumps first out of the (cuckoo) nest.

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