Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Year 2016: UHCP Petaflop in a rack
Component Module, Component Power, Module Power
Processor 2 55W 110W
Memory 16 9.2W 147.2W
NIC/Router 2 30W 60W
NVRAM 10 1.5W 15W
Total module power budget: 332.2 W
Total rack compute power budget: 42.5 kW .
Add some 15 kW for overall 57 KW power budget (for cooling and I/O).
BAD HARDWARE: Processing is only one third of module power consumption, though 22nm lithography is proposed !. We have radical programming model change here, but:
As recently as five years ago, no one would have thought the GPU maker would be at the cutting-edge of supercomputing. As it is now. For example NVIDIA.