Monday, March 19, 2012

Intel's Haswell expected to up the graphics performance with L4 cache

The new generation dual Socket 2011 Xeon E5 platform has one rarely mentioned, but important, capability - receiving the I/O data from, say, storage or network, directly into the CPU cache, rather than going to and from the main memory. Direct I/O (DDIO) could be used even beyond workstations and servers, though... how about low-latency high end gameplay?

99% BAD HARDWARE WEEK: 8MB or more of L3 and say 64MB L4 should directly solve a lot of problems. However, is it shared with GPU or not? Data delivery from two 1TB SSD to L4 eDRAM directly? Interesting and impressive . And technologically quite possible for Intel. Thus, please don't misunderstand abbrev LLC as: Laughing Like Crazy

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