Friday, June 08, 2012

Obama's Flame virus briefly disrupting Iran's oil industry !

"If the attackers are caught mid-attack, and they do not know about it, it becomes possible to track them down."
Flame virus even briefly disrupting Iran's oil industry, according to senior Iranian officials.
Flagrant act of war !
Diving Into Flame, Researchers Find A Link To Stuxnet !
Researchers digging through the code of the recently discovered Flame worm say they have come across a wealth of evidence that suggests Flame and the now-famous Stuxnet worm share a common origin.
Researchers from Kaspersky Lab say that a critical module that the Flame worm used to spread is identical to a module used by Stuxnet.a, an early variant of the Stuxnet worm that began circulating in 2009, more than a year before a later variant of the worm was discovered by antivirus researchers at the Belarussian firm VirusBlokAda.
99% BAD HARDWARE WEEK: State authorized drone attacks on Pakistan, Flame attacks on Iran, those countries not declared a war.

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