Wednesday, April 02, 2014

Boeing's autothrottle bullshits !

On Boeing type aircraft, A/T can be used in all flight phases from Takeoff, Climb, Cruise, Descent, Approach, all the way to Land or Go-around, barring malfunction. Taxi is not considered as a part of flight, and A/T does not work for Taxi. In most cases, A/T mode selection is automatic without the need of any manual selection unless interrupted by pilots.
According to Boeing published flight procedures, A/T is engaged in BEFORE the takeoff procedure and is automatically disconnected 2 seconds after landing. During flight, manual override of A/T is always available. A release of manual override allows A/T to regain control, and the throttle will go back to the A/T commanded position except for 2 modes (Boeing type aircraft): IDLE and THR HLD. In these two modes, the throttle will remain at the manual commanded position.

U.S. aviation regulators on Monday proposed a fix for some Boeing (BA.N) 737 planes to ensure that a faulty altimeter does not cause the automatic throttle system to unexpectedly cut engine speed.
The Federal Aviation Administration said the changes to cockpit automation, if adopted, would affect 497 Boeing 737s, specifically the 600 and its later models. Chicago-based Boeing said another 778 jets would be affected if aviation regulators outside the United States adopt the FAA proposal. Model's 737-600 are produced the same year 1995 as 777-200 from ill fated MH 370 flight !! ___________________________  
99% BAD HARDWARE WEEK:  The same type airplane crashed last at SF and victims have sued Boeing after autothrottle and other failures.
 If couldn't handle autothrottle failure MH 370 pilots could hit flight upper ceiling and suffer explosive cabin decompression.

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