Tuesday, March 31, 2009
War for Space Toilet as the strategic resink

The International Space Station, once a place where astronauts would share food and facilities, is said to be embroiled in a Cold War-like stand-off after a Russian cosmonaut complained he is no longer allowed to use a US toilet or the US gym machine.
The geese that laid the golden eggs but never cackled

But this is the inside of the Turing Bombe, the part-electronic, part-mechanical code-breaking machine and forerunner of the modern computer, which cracked 3,000 messages a day sent on Nazi Enigma machines during the Second World War.
Thomas noticed poor hyperthreading

Ooops, hyperthreading is not scaling very well, in the web server tests, too bad.
AMD Istambul is going to kick Intel ass,intel nehalem haxacore will have to wait to 32nm
Thanks to Thomas from vr-zone.com for the notice above.
Western internet censorship: The beginning of the end

Although Wikileaks' main site has been censored by the Chinese Public Security Bureau since early 2007, last week saw the site placed onto a secret list of sites "forbidden" by the Australian Media and Communications Authority, or ACMA.
The pro-censorship governments exposed by Wikileaks can be divided into three broad categories:
- Countries with a mandatory censorship system in place: Thailand, the UAE, and Lebanon (films).
- Countries proposing a mandatory censorship system: Australia and Germany.
- Countries in which the internet censorship system is an unregulated agreement between several large ISPs and the police: Norway, Denmark and Finland.
Australia and Germany are the only liberal democracies proposing a mandatory internet censorship regime.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Pentagon monitors even people from the dirigable

Reporting from Washington -- The Pentagon said Thursday that it intends to spend $400 million to develop a giant dirigible that will float 65,000 feet above the Earth for 10 years, providing unblinking and intricate radar surveillance of the vehicles, planes and even people below.
Needless to say , it is of course democratic monitoring.
Deja vue

Sunday, March 29, 2009
All US capital is rotten !

The U.S. banking system could face more than $1 trillion of writedowns and losses. By some estimates, that amount is roughly equal to the capital in the system.
If all capital in the system is writedown what will left for circulation? That sum os dollars printing machine will produce. Scary inflation scenario. And don't forget dollar is World's currency.
Deja vue in Germany?
Big Brother-style spying is now a reality

The spying network they found possessed remarkable "Big Brother-style" capabilities, allowing it, among other things, to turn on the camera and audio-recording functions of infected computers for potential in-room monitoring, the report said.
3GB or 6GB or 12GB of my memory ?
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Moon Mission 2015 is kind of earlier efforts hybrid

Thursday, March 26, 2009
China military power on rise

China is expanding its military capabilities at high speed, and no one knows what they are going to do with them, a new Pentagon report warned.
Mid East, is a bad assume? Or as a device to quickly take back its huge US based bonds by military power. China's leaders are ready to make the 21st century their own.
If I read well the Red will win in the end?
US tent economy blossoms

Shanty towns and tent cities are popping up across the country as the U.S. economy worsens, but, The New York Times reports, they are not just emerging in big urban areas, but also in smaller towns.
3D web applications
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Flash vulnerabilities sniffer
Simply, point HP SWFScan at the SWF file for any Flash application and it will:
- Decompile the ActionScript 2 or ActionScript 3 bytecode back to the original source code.
- Audit the code for over 60 vulnerabilities including exposure of confidential data, Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) and cross-domain privilege escalation.
- Validate the Flash application adherence with Adobe's security best practices.
Not an April's Fools: No more dollar as the world's currency ?

"Calling the use of the dollar as the world's benchmark currency 'a rare special case in history,' Zhou urged the 'creative reform of the existing international monetary system towards an international reserve currency.' Zhou said the reserve currency, managed by the IMF, should be 'disconnected from individual nations and is able to remain stable in the long run.'"
The IMF would operate such a currency via its "Special Drawing Right," created in 1969 with "the potential to act as a super-sovereign reserve currency," reported Times Online.
In remarks earlier Monday, one of Mr. Zhou's deputies, Hu Xiaolian, also said that the dollar's dominant position in international trade and investment is unlikely to change in the near future.
Monday, March 23, 2009
How to mitigate Adobe PDF malware attacks
Researchers unveil persistent BIOS attack methods
We can put the code wherever we want. Future goal is virtualized Rootkit.
mODEM, etHERNET, VGA and hard disk hijacking.
Injector is a 100 line Pyton script !.
AMD's spin off starts new Phenom fab
Once those are obtained, GlobalFoundries is expecting to start construction this summer, with full-scale manufacturing starting in 2012.
How many GHz is your brain?
Sunday, March 22, 2009
iChip : Introspective control systems for on-chip managing
My job is lost after the post !

2. Dude posts less than enthused opinion about the Cisco job on Twitter (actually naming Cisco as his new employer).
3. Cisco employee on Twitter spots the post and promptly responds.
4. Dude blocks his Twitter updates (hides them from public view)… but it’s too late. The damage is done, and he probably spends most of the day wondering if Cisco will now rethink its job offer.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Conficker April Fools
Thursday, March 19, 2009
666 is the Beast mark: Hiden rootkit in Intel's processors cache mechanism
And it is under the full control from Intel's Israel fabs and development centers.
Bad hardware suggest the code number for this stealth surveillance mode: 666.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
(C)Ray tracing breakthrough

LONDON — Caustic Graphics Inc. (San Francisco, Calif.) is a startup company that claims to have made a breakthrough in the hardware acceleration of ray-traced graphics. Caustic said it's first-generation technology will deliver an average 20-fold increase in the speed used to create 3-D imagery for film and video, game development, as well as automotive and consumer product design. The second generation of Caustic's technology, due early in 2010, is expected to gain an additional order of magnitude in performance, offering a 200 times speed-up over current graphics products.
IBM to buy Sun for $7B !
In January, Sun reported a loss of $209 million for the three months ended in December
Space Shuttle got blind passenger !

The bat, seen clinging to the external fuel tank of the Space Shuttle Discovery before its launch on Sunday, apparently clung for dear life to the side of the tank as the spaceship lifted off.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
We are all aliens on Earth !

Some have suggested that polarised starlight preferentially destroyed right-handed amino acids on asteroids. But this alone couldn't explain why the meteorite bias is so strong.
Now Glavin and colleague Jason Dworkin have shown that water amplified the asymmetry.
They studied an amino acid called isovaline in six meteorites that showed evidence of ancient exposure to liquid water for about 1000 to 10,000 years. The longer water persisted in the rock, the stronger its left-handed isovaline bias, the team found.
Ericsson pushes VDSL2 data transfers above 500Mbps
Vectorised VDSL2 is said to enable extremely high end-to-end transmission rates, improving VDSL2 performance by reducing noise originating from the other copper pairs in the same cable bundle.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Cisco servers?
Friday, March 13, 2009
Political cyberattacks to militarize the Web
Governments looking to silence critics and stymie opposition have added DDOS (distributed denial of service) attacks to their censoring methods, according to a security expert speaking at the Source Boston Security Showcase.
As the use of DDOS for political gains increases, expect the Internet to become more militarized said Jose Nazario, senior security researcher at Arbor Networks, in an address on Wednesday.
Dell layoffs than payoffs
Then, what use of lay off at Dell? Thing became extremely strange.
The US bonds are not quite secure?

China is the biggest holder of US government debt and has invested an estimated 70 per cent of its $2 trillion stockpile of foreign exchange reserves, the world's largest, in dollar assets.
"We have lent a massive amount of capital to the United States, and of course we are concerned about the security of our assets," Wen said.
What will happen if China pull out its capital out of the USA, one day? This strange hybrid relationship between the free capitalism and communism seems well, quite unstable if not dead born in the long term. What if Obama's bailout fix fail the next year?
After Ferari's crash

Finally: Get rid off Confiker (Downadup) worms
5 inch debris threatened $100B Space Station
NASA officials said that the piece of space junk came from an upper-stage rocket that helped launch a U.S. military global positioning satellite in 1993. They described it as a "portion of a spent satellite motor."
Well, this called promising Space exploration
The trash is even worse in the orbit of the Hubble Space Telescope. NASA is still calculating whether it's safe for a shuttle crew to repair Hubble this year. Scientists estimate that there are tens of millions of pieces in orbit, including more than 17,000 bigger than a grapefruit.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
When Google speaks the others should listen
GOOGLE has tweaked it's Grand Central service into a new offering called Google Voice, putting it up against telephone services like Skype.
Asset prices, for both stocks and real estate, must decline to levels appropriate for current circumstances
Democrats to Obama: Hurry up and fix the economy :)
Well, this is called a joke about change we can make.
Oh, by the way, Japan GDP shrinks 12.1 percent in fourth quarter.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Querty idiots

What's worse, a survey of MySpace user account passwords a year ago found that the most common password was... "password". Closely followed by "123456" and "qwerty".
Guilty !

THE AMERICAN ANTITRUST Institute has taken a crash course in Korean, translating chunks of a 133 page ruling which says Intel abused its market dominance through the use of rebates, bullying customers into choosing its chips over rival AMD's.
EU might fine Intel $850M. Soon.
Any decision by the European Commission would be keenly watched by U.S. regulatory authorities, which have launched a similar investigation into Intel.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
What is the main difference between SSD and HD?
Still not convinced? See this video for more.
More specs on the 100GB SSD: 8-channel controller, improved NAND flash and special drive firmware, reads data sequentially at 230 MB/s and writes sequentially at 180 MB/s, consumes 1.9 watts in active mode (versus 8 to 15 for 15K RPM HDDs) and 0.6 watts in idle mode (versus 1 to 2 watts).
Is Capitalism still working?

Monday, March 09, 2009
Windows 7 RC Build 7048 x86 (32-bit) download leaked

- New Start orb animation
- Alt + Tab now works with Aero Peek
- New icons for Sticky Notes, Paint, and Calculator
- Taskbar improvements have been made to accomodate 24%-39% more icons depending on resolution
- Windows Media Center updates
- No more send feedback buttons in every window
- Windows 7 Professional is there instead of Business
- New wallpaper
- Network and Sharing Center changed
Download is here.
Republicans now realize importance of the digital age technologies
Born in 1854 in Ripon, Wisconsin, the GOP stood in opposition to the Democrat Party which encouraged the expansion of slavery.
In only six short years, this upstart party captured the White House with the election of Abraham Lincoln.
By the way, Mr. Obama first black President, swore on Lincoln's Bible. !
Bad Hardware moral is: It is not important what party you use for your political goals, but what Bible you swear on about it. Seems that its older tween Democrat party after the 1865 always jumps first out of the (cuckoo) nest.
1989 was only a test for the year 2009: Global economy disaster like in 1929!
The sharpest trade losses will be in East Asia, it said, where there are many large exporters.
Hackers update deadly Conficker worm, evade countermeasures
Friday, March 06, 2009
First SDXC card 32 GB.
USA bailout: The insiders raiding the till while there is still money in it.
F. A. Hayek won the Nobel Prize in 1974 for showing how central bank manipulation of interest rates gives rise to the kind of boom-bust cycle we are experiencing now, and that such phenomena are not caused by the unhampered market.

The worst outcome, which we cannot dismiss out of hand, is a hyperinflationary destruction of the currency or, barring that, the reduction of America to banana-republic conditions.
The dollar’s bust has to come. The printing press will be the regime’s only way out. If this crisis doesn’t do it, the looming entitlement disaster will finish off the dollar. How else are $70 trillion in entitlement liabilities going to be paid for? Floating a few more bonds?
Thursday, March 05, 2009
Intel is reasonably doubtful on AMD's Global Foundries
He stated: "The Mubadala guys will want a return on their investment", referring to Mubadala Development, a sovereign wealth fund also wholly owned by the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.
Hiring now!
Then, Intel hurried up to realize the same "unreasonable" strategy with TSMC. ATI may use GLOBAL FOUNDRIES 32nm bulk silicon process for its future DirectX 11 parts, but has no plans to discontinue production at its key technology partner TSMC (Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company).Who will suffer in the end? You dear hardware consumers. :)
NVidia X86:
“I think some time down the road it makes sense to take the same level of integration that we’ve done with Tegra,” said Nvidia's Hara. “Tegra is by any definition a complete computer on a chip, and the requirements of that market are such that you have to be very low power, very small, but highly efficient. So in that particular state it made a lot of sense to take that approach, and someday it’s going to make sense to take the same approach in the x86 market as well.”
Programmable hardware era
Chip set graphics die out by 2013
AMD seems quite prepared.
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
Q1 2009: Yet another 6% shrink of the US economy
I knew it will happen: Obama accused for the biggest wealth destruction ever
Cramer to White House: Wealth Destruction Is Real.
The stock market right now is a better barometer of Americans’ wealth than the president and his press secretary seem to realize, Cramer said.
Bad Hardware Vs. Cramer:
See here who actually did it and delivered the bill to Obama.
Mr. Bush is that one who made $35000 Billion of national debt during his Presidency.
More than the all US Presidents together, including Mr. Obama.
Intel’s Chief Claims Nvidia Is Not Competitive without Microprocessors.
In February Intel and Nvidia could not reach an agreement under which Nvidia would get a license on Direct Media Interface (DMI) bus from Intel (which effectively bans Nvidia from making core-logic sets for Intel processors with integrated memory controller).
According the chief of Nvidia, technologies like Nvidia Ion (integrated core-logic for Intel Atom and other processors), SLI (multi-GPU rendering), Hybrid power (ability to switch between integrated and discrete graphics core), and CUDA (programming language for GeForce GPUs) threaten Intel’s ability to control the PC platform.
Chip gases produce 23,000 times greater greenhouse effect on the Earth than does CO2.
Asteriods threat Earth, while Obama monitors volcanoes

This 50 meter asteroid would not have ended our lives, but could have caused mass destruction.
Well this is called blind leadership.
Actually more like ostrich leadership. However, what the right option is left? NASA is currently on its knees. So that is called a change we can make in practice. Might be sensors everywhere state strategy win in the end.Who knows?. In the outer space too, perhaps. Because compared to asteroids volcanoes seems dangerous like a pimples on a baby face.

Tuesday, March 03, 2009
Global crash: What preceeded global financial network reset ?

Current global financial system is in an "undefined state."
After not an individual computer crash, of course, but a computer crash in the sense of Sun Microsystems' erstwhile marketing slogan, "the network is the computer." That is, we have all of these machines in different sectors of the economy, and we've networked all of them together either directly (via an actual network) or indirectly (by using the collective "output" of machines in one sector as input for the machines in another sector), and like any other computer system the whole thing hums along nicely... up until the point when it doesn't.
How the global network actually crashed.

The CDS and CDO markets grew together, feeding on each other. At the end of 2001, there was $920 billion in credit default swaps outstanding. By the end of 2007, that number had skyrocketed to more than $62 trillion. The CDO market, which stood at $275 billion in 2000, grew to $4.7 trillion by 2006.
AMD/ATI launches 40nm product. World's first !
Monday, March 02, 2009
Is WIn 7 Mac killer?
In February, Windows XP computers still accounted for 63.7% of all the machines that connected to Net Applications' sites.
Intel has stolen netbook trademark and domain from Psion
Well, call me if you know !
Copyrights: Look in front of your doors first Mr. President
The controversy comes a week before the UMP will present new legislation carrying stricter penalties for online piracy and filesharing to France's national assembly.
AMD On Track To Ship 32-nm Chips In 2010
Until then you should be satisfied with this AMD Phenom II New Processor Update:
Model | Clock | Total Cache | Core | Socket | Order Availability |
Phenom II X4 955 | 3.2GHz | 8MB | Deneb Quad Core | AM3 | Apr, 2009 |
Phenom II X2 550 | 3.1GHz | 7MB | Callisto Dual Core | AM3 | May, 2009 |
Phenom II X2 545 | 3.0GHz | 7MB | Callisto Dual Core | AM3 | May, 2009 |